Surprising work evaluations, what my supervisor doesn't know!!!
So my supervisor sits me down and says I heard this about in this cottage.... and this from this cottage..... at this place.... and you did a great job with this ...... all of this was positive right, and my question is WHERE WAS HE HEARING THIS STUFF FROM??!??!?! People going out of their way to send him a positive e-mail about ME?!? I mean, WHAT!!!!!!!! I am clearly shocked. Even the Captain supposedly sent him an e-mail on my "thorough reports." Of course, I have no clue.... who is spreading the lies? He said this is the best eval someone with my time in has gotten that he knows of.... of course most of it was just satisfactory and only a few beyond that, and I do try my hardest, but truly. Hmmmm.. perhaps he doesn't hear about all the stuff I do wrong?!?!?
For example, just this last week, literally, I locked a kid in my building when the rest left of us left to go to the weight room. The kid wasn't on my "count." In other words he was visiting and didn't sleep in my building, but still..... I counted my kids twice, locked the door and left. A short while later, I realized where is John Doe....? OH NO!!!!!!! Adding thinking errors, (here I will give my readers a taste of program language and thinking errors and show how I use them too, not only my residents) I thought "blaming others" that the other unit never verified John Doe, if they would have I would have remembered... then I knocked some sense into me, it was my fault. Then I thought "justifying" if he was on my count I would have remembered and I did count twice, but again I knocked some sense into me. So, I immediately called patrol and had them pick the kid up (who had been quietly sleeping in his room and then went out to the main living area in a daze wondering where everyone went), and had patrol bring him to the weight room, and I said I will call Lt. so and so when I get back to the living unit where there is a phone and I could inform the Lt. of my error. Patrol stated, "well, you wouldn't have to, I don't think John Doe will say anything, but you never know...." I stated, "No, I believe in integrity, I made the error. I can't believe I did that!" So, not believing it was wrong to kick myself while I was down, I let myself verbally bash myself a little bit, and then I corrected my thinking again, and thought "Well, I am trying my best and that is all I can do." So, I counted and recounted adding 11 and 1 kid visiting in my head to my count correct my error from there on out.
When I got back to the unit, I called the Lt. on duty and he stated, "Well, I will let this one go since nothing terrible happened," he lectured me on what could happen, and he gave some advice on helping me avoid this same sitaution happening again. Over all, I got off easy.
Needless to say, what about this type of stupid stuff I do every once in a while (not that it happens to this extent or that I do it on purpose, but it happens) .I forgot about a kid!!!! Of all things, I forgot!!!!!! Yes, Great Job says my eval. BTW, who is positively making comments any ways, no one says any thing to me? I only hear the negative gossip! Maybe my supervisor felt sorry for me, either way, I basked in the compliments despite my perplexedy on how on earth I received such praise, and I refrained from bluntly disagreeing with him.