Living at Work
So the other day I went to work and thought, GREAT!!! I worked 1 to 9 pm, so I actually got off earlier then usual and volunteered to take care of the horses in the morning, as I would get a good nights sleep for once. So I drove the offenders to their destination (an hour from work), and drove back, worked out at the weight room with the offenders with the music blaring and heard, "Ofc. ____ to the Officer in Command, can you respond to the gym!" Hmmmm... that was my co-worker, interesting?!? So I turn up my hand held radio, turn down the music on the other radio, and luckily the offenders didn't hear the call. Then we go over to the dinning hall, and the Officer in Command and the Superintendant walk in, and the superintendant says, "So, do you know what is going on?" Ahhhh......... no........ I was at the weight room. So he fills me in on the situation, and states we are transporting so and so back to the Minnesota Correctional Facility - Shakopee. Okay, so let me know what I need to do then. So I monitor the offenders while they take care of business, search her stuff... ummmm... contraband... double charges... pack up her stuff after writing a report, and called my parents stating, "Hi, I won't be able to take care of the horses in the morning." To this I get a WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! WHY?!!!!! Ummm... ahhhh... I have to work overtime... I won't be home until.... well I don't know when I will be home, probably tomorrow?!?!? So, the superintendant calls me on the phone, "Ofc. _______ would you mind transporting offender _______ to MCF-Shakopee tonight?" Sure I reply, not a problem. He states, "Well, are you going to want to drive there and back tonight, I would prefer if you stayed at a hotel in Shakopee, we can make reservations, I don't want you driving with that little sleep." So I response, "Well, I will leave it up to Sgt. _____, it doesn't matter to me." So, we transport offender ______ to MCF-Shakopee, leaving at 10 pm!!! On the way we needed the phone number for MCF-Willow River (where we stop to let the offender use the rest room) and MCF-Shakopee. I called the facility and they state they will get back to me with the number, and then I lose reception on the phone, but my radio works and I chuckle. We hear over the radio, "Ms. ____ to Ofc. _________, did you call Ofc. _______ with the numbers yet?" She states no back, and we respond over the radio, "Sgt. ______ to Ofc. _______, yeah, when are you going to call us with the phone number?" *smirk* They didn't know we had radio reception, but no cell phone reception, caught them off gaurd and made everyone laugh at work. So we get the numbers once we have cell phone reception, and it is 11:30. OPPPSSSSS....... I forgot to call my roommate. So, I check my cell phone messages, my Mom... when you clean the barn tomorrow, remember... ..... ..... Funny!!! that won't be happening. Second message from my roommate, "Ummm it is 10:45 pm, where are you? I thought you were suppose to be home at 10 pm and it is like 10:45, anyways, I didn't lock the doors and don,t have my keys, so don't lock the door when you get home." Not a chance of that happening now is there? So I call her back and she states, so what is going on, where are you? I state, well driving the country side, well not driving, but riding around any way. She states, Ummm... WHY? I state, I am working, and can't talk right now, I will be home at........ ummmmmmmmm.... tomorrow? Midnight? She states, okay. So we arrive at MCF-Shakopee at 3 in the morning and drop off the offender. Then we stayed at the Holiday Inn Express, getting there at 3:30 am and sleeping until 8:30 am... leaving at 9:30 am... well supposedly. I leave the hotel room at 9:25 and realize my co-worker (male co-worker, hence different hotel room) hasn't been out of his room yet (my detective skills noting the newspaper in front of his room door determined this). So, I go to the lobby and wait. At 9:45 am my co-worker comes out, "Oh there you are, I knocked and called your room and the room next to yours, I couldn't remember your room number." He states he got up at 9:03 and it took him 20 minutes to get ready. I state, yeah it took me about 20 minutes to get ready too, but I had a hard time determining what to wear! Mind you, I only had what I had on, as I was not prepared for an over nighter, but luckily I did have an over night bag with that I usually keep in my car for just such occasions. So we left the hotel and arrived back at my place of work at 3:15 pm, 15 minutes after my next normal shift started. My boss walks up, what are you doing here? Well, I work at 3 for my regular shift, right? He states, oh, I figured you would be tired so there is an extra officer on if you want to take vacation time. NICE!!!!!!!!!! I love my work place. So I worked 4 hours of my regular shift, and then got groggy and went home, taking 4 hours of vacation time. Yeah, it felt like working day in and day out.... and it wasn't bad actually. 14 hours in a car in two days, getting paid for 12 of those hours!! Lots of overtime and four hours vacation, I can handle that!
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