Correctional stories from your not home town....

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Update

The update, okay so it has been a long time in coming, but my update is..... that I have no update...... Shows how much my Mom knows trying to set me up with some guy Hrrummmpppp..... he doesn't even now how to call a girl back. Of all the nerve... unless of course his parents gave my Mom the wrong number?!?! Ah well.... men, at least I get out of being set up with a clean conscience. I did my job and called. Banking on him being shy I left a message when he didn't answer his phone stating, "Hey this is _____ calling, my Mom did your taxes at ________, and apparently our parents think we should hang out some time. I realize that this wasn't mine or your idea, so if you are uncomfortable with meeting that is fine with me. I trust my Mom's judgement, and am willing to give it a shot if you want to hang out sometime, otherwise I won't be upset if you decide not to call. My number is ______, call between 4 and 6 pm if you want to get a hold of me. Well, talk to you later or not, Bye."

Saturday, March 11, 2006

SO Apparently I am suppose to go on this date, the only thing is I don't know the guy, the guy doesn't know me, nor about the date yet.

Now just wait one minute, I pulled my boat ashore and was quite content hiking instead of fishing for a while, but apparently this wasn't good enough for my parents!!! AM I that pathetic?!??! Okay, don't answer that..... any how, here is the story that has yet to be continued....

So my Mom does taxes for H&R Block, and apparently this young man came in that was "perfect" for me. So my Mom did this young man's taxes, saw that he was 28, had 40 acres, a house, a good job, liked the outdoors, went to church, was shy, and was good looking. Well, keeping with professionalism my Mom thought "Wow, he would be perfect for my daughter. So the next day, an older couple with the same last name came in. My Mom chatted with them and asked if their son had come in to H&R Block earlierthat week and they stated that he had and started talking about there son, and my Mom sneakily asked, so he has a new house, he talked about how excited he was, but he didn't meantion a fiance or girlfriend, what does she think aboutthe house. Alas, the lad had no such fiance or girlfriend, and only mainly hung out with two friends of his that where married. After talking some more my Mom meantioned some things about me, and after a while this guy's (Patrick is his name I guess) parents said, "Oh well you have to have your daughter call my son they sound perfect for each other." The Lady then proceeded to hand my Mom Patrick's phone number. To which my Mom replied something to the effect that Patrick wouldn't know who I was if I called, or how I got his number. His Mom then continued stating that she would talk to him about it first, and all I had to do was call. She then again stated she hoped I would call.

WHAT!?!??!??!? My word, don't I have a say in this? Is this back to the dark ages where your parents pick out your husband? Am I that pathetic? SHEESH?!?!? Help me..... now I have to call this guy to hang out. Advernture here I come... stay tuned for the continuation of this blog coming soon!!!!

In conclusion: I must be a bad fisher woman because now someone else has taken over my boat, driven me to a new fishing hole, chosen my bait, thrown the line over board, and handed me my fishing rod. I just keep thinking that all I want to do is blow up the whole freakin lake!!! Where is that dynamite, and then............ in analogy terms what exactly would dynamite thrown in a lake mean in relationship avoiding? Pulling out some teeth, not showering, gaining weight, talking funny or like an idiot, or.....??!?!?? Hmmm..... any ideas out there?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Irritating your co-workers, and stirring up the fishing hole!

So I decided to go snowmobiling with Clint at work because I felt sorry for the poor boy who seemed to have no friends at all........ Yes, Nell your friendly Togo Corrections Officer decided to be nice, but it didn't last long...... So, hearing I was going snowmobiling with Clint, the other fishes went into a frenzy and decided to attack little ol' me, and the fisher woman decided to fight back with a vengence! I poisoned the water and threw in a stick of dynamite, forget swimming to shore!!!!!!

Translation: I worked with Brandon, and testy little Brandon started a war. Brandon began the war by stating "So... your going snowmobiling with Clint, Huh? Where are you guys going to go snowmobiling?" To this I replied to the seemingly innocent conversation stating, I think we will probably go to Side Lake. Brandon then replied yeah you could go to Bimbos and have a candle light dinner.. (Bimbos being a restaruant people). To this I replied, I don't think so, we are just hanging out, it is not a date or anything. From this Brandon presisted in giving out wonderful ideas for dates and a romantic get together, and the fisher woman got more and more pissed off. So, I stated "Wow, you have all these good ideas, Clint is not my type, we should go out some time.." To this Brandon became visably shaken and my revenge was set in place. So I continued along this line as Brandon floundered, tried switching the subject becoming more irritated, and continued to tease me about Clint again trying to switch my focus to no avail. Onward the night went, and Brandon continued to find ways to piss off the fisher woman. Brandon then insisted that I play Snood on the computer to which I denied knowing my denial continually irriatated the poor boy more. Eventually Brandon gave up for a while and sat crossing his arms until the next strike. Brandon then came up with a new plan stating sweetly, "Can you do me a favor?" To which I replied, "No, I AM NOT PLAYING SNOOD!" Then feeling bad, I recanted and gave in stating yes I shall try Snood after all. I then played as Brandon tried a new ploy to get even, SMACKING my arm as I played Snood stating "Good Job." To this I responded you know it is against policy to smack the the residents, but no where is it stated that we cannot HIT STAFF! I then started thinking off all kinds of forms of evil revenge.... SO, the next day Brandon questioned my fidelity (don't ask), we talked religion and politics, he answered my questions with a question, and ever onward we continued to irritated each other further. He then stated I always had to one up someone, was I in Vietnam twice or what. To which I replied, "No, I was in Nam three times actually." Then we went around in circles, and I told him he was nice one tenth of the time, and quite the jerk despite what everyone else at work said about him. He then told me I was dishonest... and the conversation got nastier. I then decided I best not kill him so I switched strategies, and quit talking to him for the health of my future career. Brandon then became more irritated and asked questions which I refused to answer, irritating him more and slipping out the door when my relief came without answering his question, except in spanish which he does not understand.... thankfully!!! :) Then I drove home in a ticked off rage planning my revenge.....