This is somewhat of an informational post for everyone that I haven't spoken to in over a year. Here goes with my life in Red Wing. I have lived in this foreign town now for a year, and can I really call it home? I am not so sure because I am still discontent with the church and miss Hibbing terribly, but God will make a way. Without a doubt God placed me here, and we are to live one day at a time. Yesterday, I made an offer on a house with four bedrooms, two kitchens, 1 and 3/4th bathrooms, and two living rooms. In other words the upstairs makes a nice two bedroom living quarters, and the down stairs with a walk out patio and door to the garage makes a two bedroom living quarters. The house needs a lot of work, smells like a damp dog, and a wall needs replacing in the upstairs bathrooms. It needs new carpet, or I need to get area rugs to place on the hardwood floors after tearing out the carpet. It could also use a new furnace, new paint, new down stairs windows, and better insulation, but these things are not necessary, and the house is fine as is. 84,900 for a house that would go for WAY less in Hibbing. Right now, I live in a duplex with my two cats that cause more grief then anything. I have two friends in Red Wing, and one is leaving (the other is Rob). A year...... and little fellowship. I am content with how things are going however, and I have been helping a guy break horses nearby, and I am moving my horse down here soon, which is currently at a trainers in St. Cloud. I have been spending my time reading Christian books, watching the news from time to time, hiking, and working. The job is great, I work with both the mental health residents and the transition residents. The transition guys are my primary responsibility, and these are the youth who have almost completed the program and are transitioning out in the community. The mental health residents are the worst ones to deal with (scitzophrenics, bi-polar, and behavioral problems). These residents are also the most dangerous. I have only had two mad enough to try and assault me..... One a desk separated me and him, and eventually pounded down to his room where I had patrol come pick him up to be transported to the security unit. This resident got out of our facility and is currently incarcerated in St. Cloud Pen. The next thinks I am the best officer ever after I got him mad enough and he flooded his room, barracaded it and attacked a couple staff that came to get him out and move him to a more secure room (when he got mad at me he was locked in his room, I had written him up for threatening another staff). Now I have seen him out on grounds (in his regular treatment cottage) and he states that I am his favorite staff. I am also a primary to the worst kid on campus (in my opinion).... He is a big Bloods/Crips gang member, his Dad is in prison for murdering someone, and he was brought up this way. Every day he lies and tries to manipulate staff and acts up. I have all the patience in the world, so I am the perfect primary, though he doesn't like me very much because I always catch him on his lies and such and send him to the security unit. He is currently not talking to me, although I try my best to help him out. Most of the Mental Health residents will end up getting civilly committed... They are too dangerous to little kids (mainly sex offenders). I have other vary gruesome stories that are not appropriate for a blog, and you would probably think I have lost my mind, but I thoroughly enjoy trying to help out these kids, even the ones no one thinks will change. I will not give up because God is greater then any problems they face. I like the challenge, and talking with the "good kids" (some will end up in prison or run when out on furlough in the community). The "good kids" (transition residents) talk about their addictions and beating them, some talk of God, and they always have interesting struggles to face as they head out in the community, often times to a new place with no family or friends that are positive enough to live with. So there is my update. Comments welcome.