Correctional stories from your not home town....

Friday, November 03, 2006

Relatives..... entertainment? worry??

So I was talking to my Mom the other day, and she states, so I hear you are doing a good job at work? HUH!??!?!? How would my Mom know....??? So she states, yeah, your grand parents had lunch with your boss the other day and he had nothing but good to say about you? My WHAT? My grandparents had lunch with my boss!?!??! They don't even know him!!!!!!!!! My Mom goes on to state that my boss did a speech at the lions club (which my grandpa is a member of), and after the speech my boss happened to be seated across the table from my grandparents, and mentioned that he worked where I did and the conversation progressed. Its a small world after all!! Its a small world after all!! Oh my.... I wonder what my grandpa said... oh no...........

So, next, my Mom asked, "So do you happen to have Thursday Nov 16th off?" Why would she be asking?!? Of course I don't, but she asked if I could get the day off, so I state, "maybe." She goes on to state, oh because your Dad has a work party from 5 to 7 that day and wants you to go. WAIT A MINUTE, JUST ONE MINUTE!!!!!!! My Dad and his work buddies... and he wants me to go, so I can listen to the shop talk? This doesn't make sense.... then it dawns on me. This summer my Dad hurt his thumb and couldn't fix equipment, and being a senior guy he worked as foreman in the afternoon at the shop with the young bucks, and he kept going on and on about how I should bring him supper so I could meet all the young mechanically minded men at the shop... OH!!!!!! It is pathetic... my parents, my family......... yikes.... if I wanted to find a guy it isn't that hard, but they keep trying to set me up!!!!!!! Well, my Dad doesn't ask for much, so I requested the day off... to be... "shown off" to all the younger guys my Dad works with *grimace*. Luckily, my Dad isn't exactly a socialite, but he does get intrapped and talks for hours to anyone who approaches, so I should avoid being introduced to too many guys or having to talk too much... I can just slip off and keep him happy by going!


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