Correctional stories from your not home town....

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I've moved...... but I am not sure where to?

I apologize for not blogging soon, but I have been rather preoccupied lately..... Yes..........., life has been a real whirl wind lately. For starters, on Dec 30th I found out I was accepted for a mobility position up in Togo (Yes, what am I to do, I am no longer Nell, your friendly Red Wing Corrections Officer, but rather Nell, your friendly Togo Corrections Officer). I then found out, that my last day working in Red Wing would be January 2nd. I found out December 31st that January 2nd was my last day working in Red Wing. Wait one minute!!!!!! Three days to move, THREE DAYS?!?!?? Hold your horses, THREE DAYS!!!!

Speaking of horses, did I mention that in the midst of all this the guy I had called and left a message making an offer on a horse called me back and stated he accepted my offer. Okay, move my things in the horse trailerout of Red Wing, and pick up a horse from Mankato?!?!?

Yikes.... luckily we decided to pick up my things first and move me out (that helps my things smell better as the horse trailer had been cleaned out at the end of Fall). My parents picked up all my stuff, and my things were moved out Jaunary 1st, and I slept peaceably on the floor that night with nothing but the bare walls to keep me company. The next day, January 2nd, I went to work, and left at ten at night to drive up North and rejoin the North Country.....

So in all, I moved.................... but where to remains to be determined...... *smirk* well I am not altogether sure yet where I am moving to, but I know I am moved.....


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